Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our Bags are Packed!!!

Our bags are actually packed and ready to go. (Are you happy now Michele?) Being the typical Americans, we have two checked bags a piece, plus the umbrella stroller, plus I have one carry on and Matt has a carry on plus his briefcase (silly people, OF COURSE Matt is bringing his briefcase!!! It's end of quarter!). I told our guide that we would try to pack lighter then last time, yeah right! But hey, we also had to pack for Libby, including diapers, food, toys, etc., plus gifts for the Mongolians, so that adds up!

Now that our packing is done, we just need to finish some cleaning tomorrow (I say just, we also need to mow the lawn, go to the bank, pick up meds, have breakfast then drinks {much later in the day} with the neighbors, etc.), and we are all set. Our flight takes off at 9:22 AM Saturday morning, then we fly to Chicago, then a 13 1/2 hour flight to Beijing, then on to UlaanBaatar, Mongolia. We get in to UB at 9:30PM UB time Sunday night, which would be 8:30AM Wisconsin time Sunday morning. So yes, it is about a 24 hour trip. (But I've got the last 3 "Twilight" books to read (THANKS MEGAN!!!).

Our interview with the Mongolian government is Monday afternoon. Please pray that they keep the appointment! We should hopefully be able to visit Libby for the first time either Wednesday or Thursday.

I am going to post photos of Libby's room tonight, but that may be the last time I post until Monday or Tuesday. Please pray for a safe journey for us to UB!

I don't think I'll believe we're actually going until I'm sitting on the plane in Appleton!


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